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3 janvier 2014 5 03 /01 /janvier /2014 03:14
After 3 years of inactivity, I've realized that 20 000 visitors in the last 3 years have visited my blog. This really gave me a big encouragement. So I will start updating my blog weekly to inform you about sharks and how we can make a difference to save sharks. Thank you to all visitors!
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24 décembre 2010 5 24 /12 /décembre /2010 03:57

Hello everyone! It is now one years to the day I created this blog to save the sharks. For past months, I spent almost no time on this blog and I apologize. I'll be back up and I will try to surprise you with other really interresting news on sharks and other species in danger. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! Thank you for your understanding.


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15 mai 2010 6 15 /05 /mai /2010 04:55

The blog had over 2000 visitors, thank you for promoting the cause of sharks and other endangered marins species. Thank you for continuing to visit and it is with pleasure that I said to future articles!


Thank you!



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18 avril 2010 7 18 /04 /avril /2010 22:21

Give me your suggestions for topics of future articles!


This may be suggestions for new subjects, new topics, etc..


Give me your suggestions and they can be choose to become a new topic on my blog.


Thank you in advance to all my readers!



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15 avril 2010 4 15 /04 /avril /2010 03:11

sharkwater ver2 subcom3

This is the documentary that prompted me to create a blog. It speaks of a man trying to outlaw the cutting shark fins. It is two hours drive and is very interesting. It really touched me and it is the best documentary I've ever seen in my life. For anyone who loves the environment, sharks and for those who just want to be more conscious of this reality, watch this documentary.Sharkwater ver2 subcom3



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Sur le blog de Shark Savier!


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Hi, all the people. For those that want to translate my article, go to: http://translate.google.ca/?hl=fr&tab=wT#. Thanks to everywone for seeing my blog. It makes me so happy to learn that a lot of people support the cause of sharks.

Thanks a lot, you encourage me to continue this blog.

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